Now, this is not new. We have been hearing about the birther movement for quite some time. Hell, there is even a push for legislation for him to prove his citizenship. Really? you think that it is a big conspiracy to get an non-citizen in the Whitey House?
There is so many ties between birthers, tea baggers, and Republicans sickens me to see that the country is devolving.
I really have to wonder:
A. Would there be as much fuss, if he was white?
B. His name was Steve "Cornbread" Williams?
C. He was a Republican?
D. All of the Above
Personally, I think it is "D". I really think that all three groups are racist bastards. But hey, that is my opinion. You may have a different one. It's kinda hard to like anything about groups that get support from Sarah Palin and FauxNews.
I would not be surprised when the cameras are off and they pull on their Klan hoodies to roast marshmallows to a burning cross with an burning likeness of the president.